Sunday, September 11, 2016

Wild roller coaster ride

It's been almost a month since we've begun talking, yet there's many times that I'd want to write about it on this page. And many times I did but ended up removing it.

HAHAH but here's it. Something thats been on my mind since ever, as much as you'd like to hide, you're really popular and thats what's driving me insane.

I really am a protective creature and at times I'm insecure af which makes my mind run wild. How many other people that you're talking to and God knows how many more to go.

Once you told me that you'd ignore a chat and only click it after a few hours, maybe it's just me imagining stuff but I'm starting to see the symptoms. Maybe it's not meant to be?

Maybe it's all just one large goose chase. Every damn time, I invest too much and too deeply, time wise and emotions wise.